تعليقي على مدونة CloudFlare حول انقطاع الإنترنت في سوريا

Your two articles do not say what happens when cables are really cut. What if these symptoms are the exact symptoms of real cable cut? You don't know.
Also, the distance between Tartous (where you say the marine cables enter Syria) and Damascus is 270Km. This is a long distance to secure in a country hit by terrorist bombings multiple times every day.

I find your previous blog unconvincing, and I believe you should review it and conduct a real test to validate your theory that STE disconnected its customers. If you find that you are blaming the victim, then at least you should apologize.

I used to blog about internet in Syria back in 2007, at that time, Syria had 3 major networks, the oldest is the STE network, the SCS network, and the PDN network. I heard there was a PDN2 project in 2009. At least the old STE and PDN are two separate backbones, but they go through the same underground tunnel. I am not sure if these 3 networks are still active.

STE issued this statement in Arabic:
STE says the cables were cut in an area close to Damascus, and it took 52 hours to repair them.


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لا يسمح باستخدام الأحرف الانكليزية في اسم المستخدم. استخدم اسم مستخدم بالعربية

محتويات هذا الحقل سرية ولن تظهر للآخرين.

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