Towards a Grassroots Media Strategy. My response to James Corbett.

James Corbett asked his audience to contribute ideas to an important question, how do we face the corrupt powers that shouldn't be? he said that he wanted to see specific actions and steps to be taken by normal people to face the global powers in the situation of corrupt pedophile politicians.

I believe we need to have a strategy to fight this war on multiple fronts. James is doing a great work in his Solutions series, Especially when promoting agorism as a social/economical strategy, but who is working on the media strategy?

Luckily, The opposing media strategy has been revealed, and I invite everybody to study the "exclusive Mint Press News investigation" about it. In summary, This strategy was developed by Stratfor and applied since 1991 in many occasions. they classify us into four categories, radicals, idealists, realists, and opportunists, and the short version of their strategy is:

Isolate the radicals, "cultivate" the idealists and "educate" them into becoming realists. Then co-opt the realists.

I have seen this strategy in action applied against us in Syria, and I believe the Syrian Grassroots activists have developed defensive tactics against it, however, All what we have done is in Arabic, and it is generally defensive. On my Arabic site I have posted many guides for media activists, and I believe they have made some influence in our grassroots movements.

I believe we should start by understanding the "Stratfor strategy" and defending against it. some ideas would be:

1- Connect to the isolated voices in the community. Things like interview 1020 and interview 901, among many others, are excellent examples by James Corbett.
2- Create and support counter-propaganda platforms, things like and are excellent examples.
3- Build for the future, one brick at the time, and set the correct expectations about growing your circle of influence.

As for offensive media campaigns against the powers that shouldn't be, I can think of many successful examples, like ReThink911 and the media activities of George Galloway. Currently I am following a promising media offensive run by Yanis Varoufakis, he says he wants to "democratize Europe".

Building on things that worked in the past, I think that an initiative like "RethinkTheCongress!!" would be a good startup action, Maybe some "Radical Americans" can lead it to become a serious worry to political pedophiles. Ice breakers like "Did you know that ..." can get the conversation started, and anybody can develop and use them in conversations with other normal people.

إضافة تعليق جديد

لا يسمح باستخدام الأحرف الانكليزية في اسم المستخدم. استخدم اسم مستخدم بالعربية

محتويات هذا الحقل سرية ولن تظهر للآخرين.

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