
Did they see the cartoons that offended them?

I don't know why did the Danish newspaper published those caricatures about Islam.I am nt sure they ment it to be an offence.I might understand the rage Muslims had after that.I know the European goverments can't stop ppl from caricaturing nor Muslims from getting angry.But what i am amazed at is how did all those people see the caricatures??Did they really see them?Women and children and men from every place are virious at cartoons they didn't even see,few of them did,very few!


Just when things start to settle down mess roams over the place!I feel dizzy. Mess is all that I can see. Just when i spread my wings to hold the vast sky i feel captivated by heavey iron chains holding me back and pushing me into a deep dark hole. I fall and fall. I screem, as loud as i can, but it seems i am all alone. No one hears my screams, not even me. I try to breath. Black smoke fills my lungs. It seems like it is the end of me.So ugly and dark!

حرية المرأة والاسلام

حرية المرأة و الاسلام.............. عفواً حرية المرأة و ال.... ماذا؟ لا حرية للمرأة في الاسلام........ أجل لا يوجد هذا الاصطلاح, حسنا لا يوجد في قاموسي أنا على الأقل, بل هو كأي كلمة غريبة خارجة عن المألوف يثير في الكثير و الكثير من الضحك و الاستهزاء...