Shit Happnes from Bush's mouth

إلــــــــــــــى.......... حسني، عبد الله، آل السعود:

الغبي بوش للمرة الثانية ينسى المايكرفون مفتوح..........

فهل سمعتم ما قاله بوش؟

اثناء عشاء ال جي 8

قال(بوبي) بلير: ما الحل؟

رد أخوكن و معلمكن بوش( مشيرا اليكم):

عليهم (الخروات) ان يجبرو سورية على ايقاف ما يحدث في لبنان (حزب الله)؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

اطلبو التسجيل من new tv.

عمار حسن اسماعيل

وفيما يلي النص الكامل للحوار كما سجلته وسائل الإعلام

Bush: And thanks for the sweaters - I know you picked em out yourself...

Blair: Oh yes absolutely - in fact I knitted it!!!


Bush: What about Kofi Annan - he seems all right. I don't like his ceasefire plan. His attitude is basically ceasefire and everything sorts out.... But I think...

Blair: Yeah the only thing I think is really difficult is that we can't stop this without getting international presence agreed. I think what you guys have talked about which is the criticism of the [inaudible word]. I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral.

Bush: Yeah I think Condi's [US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice] gonna go soon.

Blair: Well that's all that matters but if you... You see at least it gets it going.

Bush: I agree it's a process...I told her your offer too.

Blair: Well it's only if she needs the ground prepared as it were. If she goes out she HAS to succeed whereas I can just go and...

Bush: You see the irony is what they need to is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's all over...

Blair: Dunno... Syria....

Bush: Why?

Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing...

Bush: (with mouth full of bread) Yeah

Blair: Look - what does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine. If you get a solution in Israel and Palestine. Iraq goes in the right way

Bush: Yeah - he's [indistinct]

Blair: Yeah.... He's had it. That's what all this is about - it's the same with Iran

Bush: I felt like telling Kofi to call, to get on the phone to Assad and make something happen.

Blair: Yeah

Bush: we're not blaming Israel and we're not blaming the Lebanese government....

إضافة تعليق جديد

لا يسمح باستخدام الأحرف الانكليزية في اسم المستخدم. استخدم اسم مستخدم بالعربية

محتويات هذا الحقل سرية ولن تظهر للآخرين.

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